Letter from our Founder and Executive Director:
There a biblical principle that says, “To whom much is given, much is required”. These words, introduced to me as a child, began to come to life in my heart and mind when I started my first mentoring group over 10 years ago. In the faces of those 5th grades girls, I saw myself each and every moment we spent time together. In their eyes I recognized their desire to do and become all that was ever dreamed or imagined; the determination to break the status-quo and stereotypes that society used to define the “inner city” where we lived; and the resilience to overcome challenges that came their way. Even though I was the mentor, these Young Ladies of Distinction, taught me so much about myself and ignited a passion in me to everything that I could to see them and others walk out their purpose in life.
To say that I arrived at this juncture in my life by simply pulling myself up by my bootstrap……. or stilettos in my case, would be so far from the truth. Hats and Heels Inc., was founded and dedicated to every family member, friend, teacher, professional peers, mentors, mentees and many other that have graciously walked this journey of life with me. Every life, that is impacted by our programs or services, is just my way say thank you and to replant the every seed that has been sown into my life.
Many thanks to all of our supporters and donors that continue to make it possible for us to serve and impact others. Thank you for partnering with Hats and Heels Inc. as we continue to provide support and resources to the communities that we serve daily.
Rhashad Atkins
Executive Director
Ebony Lea
Board Member
Erin Dorm
Board Member
Timothy Phillips
Board Member
Quiana Hart
Board Member
Ebony Simms
Board Member